Home - Kaposvar Campus Library
Whether you're conducting research or simply looking for a quiet place to study, our library is here to support your academic journey. Our dedicated reading service is ready to assist you in navigating the vast world of literature. Come and discover the wealth of knowledge that awaits you at Kaposvári Campus Library!
Whether you're conducting research or simply looking for a quiet place to study, our library is here to support your academic journey. Our dedicated reading service is ready to assist you in navigating the vast world of literature. Come and discover the wealth of knowledge that awaits you at Kaposvári Campus Library!
Whether you're conducting research or simply looking for a quiet place to study, our library is here to support your academic journey. Our dedicated reading service is ready to assist you in navigating the vast world of literature. Come and discover the wealth of knowledge that awaits you at Kaposvári Campus Library!
Opening hours
Last modified: 20. November 2023
General opening hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8:30–16:15
Thursday: 12:00–16:15
Friday: 8:30–14:00
Saturday: 9:30–12:45
Exam period
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8:30–16:15
Thursday: 12:00–16:15
Friday: 8:30–12:30
Saturday: CLOSED
Last modified: 22. November 2023
Address: 7400 Kaposvár, Guba Sándor utca 40.
Tel.: +36 82/505-936
E-mail: konyvtar.kaposvar@uni-mate.hu
Library catalogue: http://libopac.ke.hu
Homepage: https://kaposvar-lib.uni-mate.hu/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/egyetemikonyvtar
Library services
Library services
Last modified: 13. November 2023
Loan facilities and terms of borrowing
Documents can be chosen for borrowing from the open shelves in the circulation area or can be asked for from the stocks.
To prevent unauthorized use borrowing is desirable with own valid Borrower’s Card.
Maximum number of borrowed items is up to 10, in the case of primary school textbooks it doesn’t have such a limit.
One patron may borrow only one item of the same title. Regular loan period is usually 28 day. Books can be renewed through the library’s online catalogue, by email, by phone or in personal but only before the due date and in case there is no reservation for the document.
All library materials borrowed must be returned within the stipulated loan period. Failure to do so will result in a fine: 20 Ft/document/day.
Books borrowed by others can be reserved through the electronic catalogue or personally. An email is sent to the patron when the reserved book arrives to the library.
Documents that can only be used locally
- all documents in the reading rooms: newspapers, magazines, books and periodicals
- reference collection
- old and rare documents collection
Reference service
Reference librarians:
- present the collections and online sources
- assist and support readers in information searching
- help the patrons to find and select appropriate reference sources
- educate library users on research methods, use of catalogues and data-bases and rules of proper citation of literature
- organize user education for the first time visitors and courses to improve information literacy competence
Photocopying and printing
Copying or printing of documents are fee-based services. Only registered users may require a copying and printing account. Price of black and white copy is 10 Ft/A4 size and of colour copy is 100 Ft/A4 size.
Using computers in the library
Reading rooms computers provide access to Internet. Visitors may also search a subscribed scientific databases. Free WI-FI is available as well, so patrons may use their valid user name for university network or login in as guest on their personal laptops. Registered patrons possessing a current Library Card may download or print electronic documents without change and modification the original text. All copyright laws must be observed in all copying and/or downloading of library material for the purpose of scientific research or individual study.
Need to know
No book or other library property may be taken out of the library without authority.
It is prohibited to bring in overcoats or bags or backpacks. It is obligatory to use the cloakroom before entering the library.
No food or drink is permitted in the library
At the completion of the studies students must certify that they have returned all library loans and they have completed all payments.
Readers breaking library rules can be excluded from the library.
Patrons’ suggestions, comments regarding the function and services of the library are welcomed by e-mail: konyvtarkozi [PONT] kaposvar [KUKAC] uni-mate [PONT] hu
The library’s homepage: https://kaposvar-lib.uni-mate.hu/
Welcome to Kaposvári Campus Library!
We invite all enthusiasts, information seekers, and students in search of reliable resources to explore our facilities. Our library proudly houses a collection of 200,000 books, a diverse range of Hungarian academic journals, and an extensive selection from international scholarly databases.
Whether you're conducting research or simply looking for a quiet place to study, our library is here to support your academic journey. Our dedicated reading service is ready to assist you in navigating the vast world of literature. Come and discover the wealth of knowledge that awaits you at Kaposvári Campus Library!